The Photographer

A person that lives in moderation and artistic at all moment. My grammar and spelling is complete sh*t and I don't care as long you can read it. I’m really sorry about my bad english and about my bad grammar, this is the only way I can share my experience with most of you guys. Enjoice ~


Getting back to the track

Trying to get back to the track, it has been hard to manage everything especially while doing work for living and doing things that we love to keep up the juice. Another 2 more days and I will be leaving for a trip to Beijing. Finally a runaway trip after for so long working and studying. I have been doing photo editing lately, well I am doing photo editing everyday. But it has been so long since the last time I do automotive photo editing. Here are few pictures I came out with while playing around. I wonder what happen to my suction holder and rig...where did i put it... 


Out from the ordinary

This was taken in my study outing workshop recently. Its been so long since the last time I shot this kind of genre. Well, I do have few part of me that shoot something out of my comfort zone. This is me out of my comfort zone beside shooting moving steel in action or doing street photograph. 
Thanks Suzie, you did a great job. More pic of Suzie coming up. Stay tuned ~



A good friend called me up " Im coming to your place, lets make a study outing with few fellas" and I replied "sure, why not". Its been a while since the last time I did a photography study outing. Since I'm working and becoming a student again, I don't really have the time for all this. But when a good friend from far called me up for this. I was all hype up. It was Saturday morning and we gather people who interested through facebook networking. He did most of the invitation, I just came in for some assistant. For a free study outing, the attendance was not bat at all. Meeting up new people, making new friends and above all, sharing and giving knowledge. That's the best of me, I just love teaching and sharing knowledge. Will update more on this.

photograph credited to my buddy Che Wan


I need more timeeeee...moreeeee....

I've missed lots of time to spend for my blog. As usual, the busyness always caught on me. Being a workingman and a student at the same time is not easy as how it sounds like. Even when I'm not doing my work or studying, I spend most of the time to rest as much as I could. The weekend runaway with fellas Emperor team to Genting Highland, cruising and tailing those monsters going uphill was a great day starter. Its been few weeks since the event, I still haven't have the time to post some review in here. But soon I will post it. It is just a matter of time and space, hehe... here's a teaser from it. Stay tuned. More will come ~


KL • 29

It was weekend, a very good weekend. A Nikon D300s was in hand. I know, it is a bit old to try out this so called superb semi-pro camera. I was a Canon user before converting to Nikon. Reason? No reason, just to try something new. So I went out early in the morning, walking around Kuala Lumpur at 8am in Central Market. Sad to know that Central Market is a no place for photographer to photograph pictures. I was wondering around with my camera, looking at people starting up their day. Open their shop and all of sudden a woman came to me ask if I have a permit to photograph around Central Market. I was shocked. Maybe because Its already too long since the last time I photograph here and I lost about whats going on around here. Then my mind re flash the word by our minister "promote our country" yea right. Promote. Keep up like this might as well you put the sign "no camera" to the country. As a photographer, I say go to hell. I just ignore it. I didn't violate anything or abuse anything. So why bother? My purpose of going out in KL early in the morning just to brush up my skills. Its been long since the last time I visit here and there is a lot of changes in a short time. Too many buildings being build, too many shops rise even from the alley and the corner of any space they could find. Beside brushing up, I'm testing this babe I'm holding. So here are few pictures to share with. I equip my self with a Nikon D300s and a Tamron 18-270 vc II. Its light enough for me to walk around without being exhausted.  Enjoice

After being warned about the permit to shot. I lost my mood to capture the scenery of the Central Market and around it. Instead, I hunting for the people who make this place alive.

These people made me wonder about them, where they come from, where do they live, what are they doing here early in the morning.

Some of these people do grow old together with this place

and some of them just try to find something to do and earn to keep on living in here

Central Market and Pudu plaza really does keeps thousand of secret along with the people around here

even the new generation flooding these place, they still cant over run the old and classic feeling around here 

Everytime I review back my shots, I look deep in the pictures wondering whats their stories.

What made what they became right now. What made they choose to be what they are

and what made them keep on living here

as most of them agree: picture tells a thousand stories and it does. For this D300s, it works great and I'm loving it. Usually I will bring along my Fujifilm X100. This time maybe I'll consider bring this 300s along instead my x100.



Do what u love and love what u do

Been busy these few days, my studies holiday has come to end. Not much on the holiday because of busy working. I started my part time studies pursuing Masters in Fine Art. Fine art? Yup, before this it was in Graphic Design, but then I changed my mind. I'm taking the Fine Art instead. Graphic was not really deep in me, I realized I'm just in to graphic for the sake of working and learning more to work on it. Then I realized it is Fine Art my passion. So I'm dropping of from Graphic Design and hello Fine Art. Meaning, it's gonna be a serious business and a serious busy with studying and working.

This was created last night at 3am. I'm awake for no reason and then I can't go back to sleep. So this is what I get from being awake at 3am.

What ever you doing, what ever you working on, make sure it is something that you love. Something that pumps your passion and makes you wanted more. This is one of my passion, I'm a painter. An abstract expressionist artist. Whenever I'm not going out for photo shoot, this is what I I'm working on.  Do what you love and love what you to.  Maybe in future I'll share some of my art work here. For those emails asking me what I'm doing for living and my other interest beside photography, here is your answer. I love arts

Just for sharing : ) cheers. 

 Me standing in front one of Malaysia legendary artist painting, Yusof Ghani. 



Black and white I

I love to take photo's in black and white. For me, when shooting in black and white, I'm actually photographing the soul of the people, the soul of the environment, the deepest story of a scene. Something which I can't get it with shooting in colors. Here are few pictures I took around Central Market in Kuala Lumpur and KLCC. Enjoys~

I went to Central Market with the city light rail transit (LRT), I park my car at the station near my house. Trying to avoid the traffic so I decided to take the LRT instead.

  As I arrive at Masjid Jamek station, I saw this man sitting there without moving and keep on rising his hand waiting for someone to drop in some few hopes for him.

Stop by at Masjid Jamek mosque, I  went for my prayers before I move on other places. This lady waiting with her daughter for her husband finishing his prayers.

As I walk by this taxi, this boy was smiling at me. Maybe he excited seeing the camera that I'm holding. So I give him a shoot. (If you watch this kid, thanks for the smile)

I was walking slowly to Central Market and wonder around. Looking at people and the activities going on around me, then I saw this guy. A very stylish Sikh I'll say, can't help my self from photographing him.

I notice on that day, there is a lot of tourist wonder around the city. It is a holiday season here in Kuala Lumpur. Seems like the tourist are enjoying walking around with less crowd.

  waiting for someone or taking a shelter from the heat maybe?

The city is less with crowd but never fail packed with vehicles, especially buses 

everyone need to do something to keep on living




Currently, I've been doing some designing work for a government company. The funny thing is that, no matter how hard or how you give the best of you for them to come out a design. There will always be something that is not satisfy them. Fine they are the client, but aren't they hiring us designer to work on something that they cant do and to give us the believe that we can sort this problem out for them. But the problem is that most of them didn't want to listen. Not even asking. All they want to do is for you to follow what ever they want and ask you to do. Its like you're trying to make a very good apple pie and all of sudden they came in ask you to throw everything in the pie without looking at the exact ingredient. They want you to put cheese, onion, meatball, chicken, turkey, salad, veggie, this and that in that apple pie. How does it taste? they don't care. The problem on us is that those rotten pie effected our integrity, effected our knowledge and our professionalism in our field. Imagine if those pie goes to the market. The public wont ask where those pie came from, they will ask who made that pie? What happen next? They gonna have in mind the person who made the pie are so bad. Those impression goes to the maker. I rather not to put my name or my company as a credit on those kind of job. Let it be.

Yes dear client, we understand your needs and we understand what you want. But What for hiring us if you dont want to listen to us and wont let us consulting you? Might as well I give you a window pc and microsoft word do it your self. You pay a lot and it is not cheap. So let us give the best as what u deserve with that such payment.



Sooooo gooodddd to come back

Its been soooooooo long since the last post on this blog. What happen??? I'm not sure what actually happen, but I received a report saying that I try to cancel my account and deleting everything. At that point I'm very sure that my blog being hacked. Why??? Why my blog???

Thanks to Google for alerting me and assist me to recover everything that still left in this blog. I thought I lost everything. Now its all good as how it was before, just that there is no more ""., the account has been cancel and the domain being stopped. Im starting back with a new domain that is

Thank you again Google for the assist.

Will be update with more post soon. Keep in touch and keep on sending me mail for new post. (Those mail motivate me to get and give more. Thanks guys)

Me shooting on an event - thanks Flowie for shooting me shooting.


Soul of Pangkor


Changing ship - trying something new. Back to basic

Last few month, after years and years owning a Canon. I make a decisions of changing ship. I jump to a yellow flag ship. Yup, it's a Nikon. Where I live, people are quite biased among Canon and Nikon. Its like a huge competition for them which is better and which is greater. For me, being like that is not necessary. Camera is just a tool to work the idea, the magic is whats inside your self. Not the gadget. Why would you so being dependable with the item instead of using your inner creativity and your ideas. Chase Jarvis made a great shot out of a Lego build camera. So why make it a competition? Yes I agree, you need the right too to make a good art. But, there's still no law saying that you cant make a great painting out of a broken brush. What if that broken brush is some media for you to create a great work of art? A new style and strokes out from a broken brush. Who knows you might make it a huge revolution out of it? Tools is just a tools. Its the inner your self that what brings the magic in it. Not the tools controlling you on what to do and how to make it happen.

Since I'm continuing my studies for a master level in art and design. I realized that to be the best is not just be with one method. You need to experiment things around you, fully use what you have, try something new and change the way you are. For me, changing from a Canon to Nikon is not a big deal. Yes I'm a pro-Canon. Everything about me is Canon. But to be a master you need to master other things and things that are out of your comfort zone. So changing ship is like I'm out from my comfort zone and I'm trying something new instead. Trying to master something new for me, and I choose Nikon (after trying Sony and Olympus). Nothing wrong with Canon. Its a great product. A magnificent cameras and lens. I'm just try to find another me with a different point of view.

It has been said : " to be a master, first you need to find your self with the tools you use. Try to find your inner self and soul with the tools. Master the tools first before you master a skill. "
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