The Photographer

A person that lives in moderation and artistic at all moment. My grammar and spelling is complete sh*t and I don't care as long you can read it. I’m really sorry about my bad english and about my bad grammar, this is the only way I can share my experience with most of you guys. Enjoice ~


Do what u love and love what u do

Been busy these few days, my studies holiday has come to end. Not much on the holiday because of busy working. I started my part time studies pursuing Masters in Fine Art. Fine art? Yup, before this it was in Graphic Design, but then I changed my mind. I'm taking the Fine Art instead. Graphic was not really deep in me, I realized I'm just in to graphic for the sake of working and learning more to work on it. Then I realized it is Fine Art my passion. So I'm dropping of from Graphic Design and hello Fine Art. Meaning, it's gonna be a serious business and a serious busy with studying and working.

This was created last night at 3am. I'm awake for no reason and then I can't go back to sleep. So this is what I get from being awake at 3am.

What ever you doing, what ever you working on, make sure it is something that you love. Something that pumps your passion and makes you wanted more. This is one of my passion, I'm a painter. An abstract expressionist artist. Whenever I'm not going out for photo shoot, this is what I I'm working on.  Do what you love and love what you to.  Maybe in future I'll share some of my art work here. For those emails asking me what I'm doing for living and my other interest beside photography, here is your answer. I love arts

Just for sharing : ) cheers. 

 Me standing in front one of Malaysia legendary artist painting, Yusof Ghani. 

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