The Photographer

A person that lives in moderation and artistic at all moment. My grammar and spelling is complete sh*t and I don't care as long you can read it. I’m really sorry about my bad english and about my bad grammar, this is the only way I can share my experience with most of you guys. Enjoice ~


Yosoko Japan - Part 1

While i was cleaning up my hard drive due to overload of files and pictures, I stumble upon this file containing the picture of my 6 month stay in Japan not so long ago. It was my first trip away from my home town that far alone. With some few people I know there, so It is not a problem at all for me to find a place to crash in for that long. Japan has and always will be one of my desire destination. And yes it's a place for you to go before you die. I want to share some of the pictures I found. ( before this I lost all the picture because of a virus, so glad I found it back even thou its only few of it. )

8 hours flight from Malaysia straight to Narita, Japan with Malaysia Airline without transit. I lost count on how many movies I've watch. I remember there were only 15 passenger on that flight.

after 8 hours of cracking my back and stoned, finally I arrived. Hello Narita Airport... I departed from Malaysia at 3pm and arrived here around 10pm. With the joy of arriving I received a call from my friend saying that she cant fetch me at that time and I need to take a bus or a train to her place. At that moment I was thinking.. " the hell am I gonna get there when I cant even understand and speak Japanese". For a while, I feel the importance of sign language and mutual understand. Then I decided to take the bus... well actually I have no choice, I need to take the buss due to the late night and lack of time to catch the next last train. And it is winter on that time... after 8 hours of flight then its another 4 hours bus trip to Yamanashi

I cant recall when I fall asleep in the bus, I miss my stop and I was a half hour away from the place where I should stop the bus. After my friend fetch me and arrived at home I totally fainted and lost in the winter breeze and fall asleep. Heres a picture of the neighborhood from the back yard on the next day.

a delivery at 7 in the morning

me poses in front of my friend crib

the best part about living in Yamanashi is its near to the famous mountain, the Fuji's mountain. Anywhere I go, I can still see the top of the mountain.

Yamanashi is only a small town surrounded by mountains

on winter theres rarely people going out from the house and most of the Yamanashi resident are out of town and its holiday season. No wonder I feel weird... where the hell did everyone go?

on the first week, I went all around the town for sight seeing and I really do enjoy scene

If i can recall back at the moment this picture was taken, we were at almost 8,000 feet above sea level. All I can remember is we were just driving up hill go all around and I didn't realized that we already this high.

the best thing about Yamanashi in winter is the sky always blue.

a special dinner from my friend due to my arrival 

morning jog around the area and a visit to one of the temple

entertainment everywhere. Every where I go there must have this.

weekend drive in Yamanashi

tunnel everywhere

I saw this electronic signage saying its below -5 degree outside

entering tunnel again

and we're close to Fuji mountain

again, another tunnel

and we're arrived at the lake beside Fuji's mountain

welcome to lake kawaguchiko

'tachi' (duck) everywhere

the scenery is just... breath taking... when I walk around here looking at this beautiful scenery I totally forgot that its freakin freezing and my hands are turning blue.

blue berry farm

at that moment I totally fall in love with Japan...

sunset at Kawaguchiko's lake beside Fuji's mountain... more to come next in Part 2. I just wish I could share all of the pictures here but sorry due to limited space. Add me up in facebook for more pictures

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