The Photographer

A person that lives in moderation and artistic at all moment. My grammar and spelling is complete sh*t and I don't care as long you can read it. I’m really sorry about my bad english and about my bad grammar, this is the only way I can share my experience with most of you guys. Enjoice ~


Kuala Lumpur Formula Drift Malaysia - Part 2

it was a fun day even though it was dammed hot on the weather. But nothing like that stop the spirit spreads around that gives me the energy to cover this event.

The drifters push their self to the limit even though today was only a qualifying day 

this year the participant quite a lot than last year

this rx7 was one of my favorite on that day

drifters from Malaysia

the one and only women drifter, I don't remember where she from.

group from china with their red fearless machine

ahh...those sweet purple best desire for their beast

with the power of Pokemon and the lighting strike from Pikachu

a crash spinning towards me, right in front of me. At this moment Im in dilemma weather to stay or to run. And yes I stay but unfortunately someone pull me from behind. Damm the guy who pull me as he thinks that he's saving me.

we can feel the tens and the competition in high stakes, every drifters push their machine to the limit 

the juice in one of the car

as the crowd getting crowder, they demand for more action

its the stare ~ confident

more coming in part 3 soon ~ to see more pictures of the event, please add me up at my facebook

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