The Photographer

A person that lives in moderation and artistic at all moment. My grammar and spelling is complete sh*t and I don't care as long you can read it. I’m really sorry about my bad english and about my bad grammar, this is the only way I can share my experience with most of you guys. Enjoice ~


FederationD night TT - Part 1

last friday on 27th May 2011, I went to a gathering held at Kayu Nasi Kandar Damansara by federationD. If im not mistaken from what I've being told, the federationD is an online automotive organization community that brings together all the automotive enthusiast and drifters. (click here to their website) all hands on them support this event. Really looking forward for more in future. Heres are some covers I did. Enjoy~

From the info I get, this is their first gathering attempt. Not bad for a first time. Calling all motor sport clubs joining the gathering.  

I thought I came late that night due to bad traffic from my office, but when I reach there still more to come. I guess everyone having the same bad traffic as I am.

the second batch that came in was the group from CPS Neoxers satria neo owner

I can say they're the biggest group among others that came on that night

while I were walking around looking for shots, I notice this weird van in the middle of the parking lot. 

these are the first batch that already there when I'm arive

the sweet matt black ~ 

the mystery of a weird van finally open up and oh my look at those stereos 

food for thought and sweet for the ear

yes the GTR joining us too

more up coming in part 2 soon ~ kudos to FederationD for this superb gath. 


  1. Hi, this is Jason from Federation D, nice pics and thanks a lot for coming last friday, can you do me a favor, also post some pictures on our facebook wall so some fans can also see it when we share it to our profiles ;)

  2. sure, no prob~ add me up in facebook and feel free to tag the pictures ;]

  3. Hi. Great pics! You captured a couple of my car pics. Thanks.


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