The Photographer

A person that lives in moderation and artistic at all moment. My grammar and spelling is complete sh*t and I don't care as long you can read it. I’m really sorry about my bad english and about my bad grammar, this is the only way I can share my experience with most of you guys. Enjoice ~


The other side of me

Beside photographing automotive, I do photograph other thing. And thats juts the other side of me as a photographer beside obsessing with automotive. There will be more coming up from what I see though my lens. Here are some photo's that I captured recently in a Muay Thai challenge last night. More coming soon.

As a versatile photographer, I'll always try my best to captured somethings that can tell a story beside just randomly or just simply capture a subject to turn in to a photo. 

I always try my best to put my self with the scene instead being behind the scene. Every time I photograph such event, I will always try to put my self as close as possible with the action. Even if it will effect me. Example like what happen last night while Im trying to photograph a two furious fighter on the ring. I almost end up being bump by one of the fighter who being push to the rope. And it was inches away from me. The rope did hit my face and I almost fell on the ground. But the pain on my face worth with the photo's I captured. 

For me, I always being passionate with the subject I photograph with. The thing thats nature with me is that, If theres nobody scream or tell me to get away from there. I will just keep on going. This is one of the example photo that I captured. I was behind of the ring rope while this happen. Right after the fighter  being kick, he drop just right in front of me and my camera was way inches from him when he fall. If I don't have the guts to get up there and stand there, I would miss this action and I would regret it. Same goes when I photographing a wedding, automotive, sports or anything. Its just the nature of me. More coming up with the fighting scene.

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