The Photographer

A person that lives in moderation and artistic at all moment. My grammar and spelling is complete sh*t and I don't care as long you can read it. I’m really sorry about my bad english and about my bad grammar, this is the only way I can share my experience with most of you guys. Enjoice ~


Pre Loved

Something far from the usual post entering this blog. This is the other side of me beside being an automotive and event photographer

the other side of me that full with laughters, smiles, cries and happiness. More joy coming up soon 




the moon was so beautiful tonight, I just cant help my self from photograph it... 
ps- I did not do any editing on this picture. Fresh RAW from the camera - you guys see any rabbit? No?



Muay Thai Boxing Challenge Super 8 - Part 1

I always love boxing fighting, we can see miracle happen, fallen warriors rise drastically, emotions, drama and so much more. I always watch a boxing match and the contender is one of my favorite. But the one I'm about to share with is something different than the boxing we know. Its a Muay Thai Boxing. Its a combat sport that uses stand-up striking along with various clinching technique

When it comes to Muay Thai, unlike boxing, they use every limbs on your body. Hands, Legs, Kick, Punch. This time I was invited to a Mua Thai challenge Super 8 extreme fight held at Titiwangsa Lake stadium, Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.

there's only few photographer are allowed to stand beside the ring. I was trying my best to get as close as I can. I even almost end up climbing the ring. 

the challenging part for me is not to get a great angle or lighting. My focus was to get the action WITH the emotions. When you get it right, other will come by it self.

at this moment it was the 2nd day to the final. I haven't upload yet the day 1 photo's because I'm away for awhile. I only have the 2nd day file with me right now

the 2nd day was full of dramatic action than the day 1

as the action and the drama goes on, I remember that I didn't let my self to look away from my view finder. Not even a sec. I just don't want to miss what's in front of me.

when I photographing something, I always remembering my self that the action happen in front of you will only happened once. It wont happen again and they wont repeat it for you. If you missed it, its your lost. If you don't capture it, someone else will. If you did, It will be only yours

and the second thing in my mind was to get as close as I can with the scene. Not by mean get my self closer with the subject. I mean get as close as I can to portray the action and the moments as clear as I could. By that, even if it takes me to get on it or be anywhere I can, I would.

It's not easy as how it looks to photograph a boxing fight. Especially when there's other photographers around you. I cant get in, but my camera does hehe... 

I think that I had the best spot among others. Its right at the center of the ring on the outside. I cant move around like what I did on the day 1.I climbed the ring and almost being hit by one of fighter.

and I did do some research before going out and shooting around

emotion and action is my main target

and the drama that happened all around

most people are trying to photograph punches being thrown and kick being slash

what Im trying to do here is to get inside them, to get what they feel, try to know what they think. 

try to be in their shoe and try to capture it as best as I could to portray their feelings

its not about did you get the right lighting, getting the right angle. Getting the best shots of punches 

Its not just about using burst and keep on pressing the shutter button and hope that you get the best shots

its about to get as close as can with the viewer to the environment

to the moment that happened

that is what Im trying to do

and I hope I shared the best as I could to bring the viewer dive in the actions and emotions

will bring more on the final fight and day 1 scene. to view more of the pictures taken, add me up at my facebook. enjoy ~



The other side of me

Beside photographing automotive, I do photograph other thing. And thats juts the other side of me as a photographer beside obsessing with automotive. There will be more coming up from what I see though my lens. Here are some photo's that I captured recently in a Muay Thai challenge last night. More coming soon.

As a versatile photographer, I'll always try my best to captured somethings that can tell a story beside just randomly or just simply capture a subject to turn in to a photo. 

I always try my best to put my self with the scene instead being behind the scene. Every time I photograph such event, I will always try to put my self as close as possible with the action. Even if it will effect me. Example like what happen last night while Im trying to photograph a two furious fighter on the ring. I almost end up being bump by one of the fighter who being push to the rope. And it was inches away from me. The rope did hit my face and I almost fell on the ground. But the pain on my face worth with the photo's I captured. 

For me, I always being passionate with the subject I photograph with. The thing thats nature with me is that, If theres nobody scream or tell me to get away from there. I will just keep on going. This is one of the example photo that I captured. I was behind of the ring rope while this happen. Right after the fighter  being kick, he drop just right in front of me and my camera was way inches from him when he fall. If I don't have the guts to get up there and stand there, I would miss this action and I would regret it. Same goes when I photographing a wedding, automotive, sports or anything. Its just the nature of me. More coming up with the fighting scene.



Open Drift Championship 2011 - Part 1

It was a very good weather that day, not so hot and thank god its not raining after days of rain. Its like the skies give way to this spectacular event. It is an Open Drift Championship Malaysia 2011.

Supposedly, I should been given a media passes to get a full coverage and more up-close to the action. But unfortunately, they decided to make way for bigger media's. So my line up being cancel. But! That wont stop me from making a review on it.

It seems that everyone is satisfied and happy to see there's more machine and insane drivers participate in this championship and I notice some few new faces.

Not every supra's participate in drift championship before this. Glad to see one of em in it

This time I can see the balance of performance and beauty (yes, thats my term of beauty)

something fishy about this corolla

More rubber to burn and smoked please

candy for my camera and sweet for me. Glad to see theres more manufacture in the scene

as well as the pioneers and the 'old timer' joining the scene

the famous Under5ive machine

lets have a look whats in the inside looked like, Its like a kid getting in a toy machine

gauges, I hate digital gauges. Analog brings more life to it

no....thats not fire extinguisher kids, not even a scuba diving tank

everyone getting ready at their best

even if its need a quick knocking

same goes with the knocker

sweet mushroom in a turbine mouth to flow the air for the beast heart

as I said before, there is something fishy about it and there you see it

a little bit touch of classic I assume?

try to imagine you're holding tight wile sitting behind it. Hold on tight to the bars mate!

If I'm not mistaken, its a female drifting machine. (correct me if I'm wrong) Yes, we have a woman drifting here in Malaysia

the usual cockpit for a drifting machine

love the color on this S13

get low as low as you can

FP said "stay humble"

this is not an actually Skyline R32 fellas. Don't be fool by a perfect craftsmanship 

love the old Apexi boost meter. I used to have it in my ride back those time. Happy boosting 

drop dead on the battle field. Looks like this muffler wont make it to anymore

be scare.... be very scare

energy drinks anyone?

no, its not an energy drink for you guys. Its for the machines 

New rubber waiting its turn to be burn and smoke

still, not an energy drink for you guys

the spectators waiting and wanting for action

the trophies are lined up waiting to be claim by those who deserve it

Its the champion to fight for

the lineup are ready and the heat are up. 

While their setting up the heat, others are setting up to cool down the heat when the sun goes down. I smell party at night. Will up more on the 2nd part. Stay tune.

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