The Photographer

A person that lives in moderation and artistic at all moment. My grammar and spelling is complete sh*t and I don't care as long you can read it. I’m really sorry about my bad english and about my bad grammar, this is the only way I can share my experience with most of you guys. Enjoice ~


Volkswagen Das Auto Show 2011 ~ Vw showing off day Part 1

It was on the early weekend, Im up just to get my self early in the morning to catch up the Volkswagen Das Auto Show 2011 Malaysia held at National Bukit Jalil Stadium. A prestige place for the event. The news spreads 2 month before the show start. I assume it will be something huge since it stated there will be a lineup of historical VW cars from the beginning until present. So I was excited to attend the event and making a cover for it.

The news on media about this event was bombarded for two month on the radio, television, news paper and on the net. Make it sounded like something big is coming on the day

the stadium being wrap a bit by the banners all around it. I wonder how huge it is

I thought I was among the earliest to arrived and as soon as I'm there...

I can see there's a line up from the entrance. I assume the door wasn't open yet

actually, they're lining up waiting for their turn to enter the hall. This was only half of it that line up in that early morning. The first car show I ever attend to line up before enter...

I've been told that there will be a media show and something that never been done before here in Malaysia. They're allowing 300 people to enter the hall one at a time. 

before entering the hall, we needed to line up again inside for registration and some few survey to fill in the form.

thats my partner lining up at the next row beside me, we were chasing the line to see who get to the front first. Seems from the picture its like I'm winning but I was wrong. He won.

after being registered and fill in some survey form, they stamped us with the VW logo as prove that we're already register and allow to enter. At this moment Im feel like Im already being Das by VW (lol). Im Das Auto

my number shows that Im the 1169 guest

after the registration, we're being asked to wait in the waiting room... It feels like err... I dont know how to describe it.

crowded by other human being waiting for their number to be call to enter the hall

Beside there's place to sit and a table, they're providing a driving simulator to kill the bordeness and time wasted. Its actually a Grand Tourismo 5 game with the steering wheel and a bucket seat. Most people thought it was a real driving simulator

Im lining up to join in the game before my number being call

as my partner we're busy snapping photos or should I say babe hunting

After almost a hour waiting for my turn. I finally get my self on the bucket seat and my hand on the steering. Didn't enjoy too much, just to kill the time while waiting to be call.

after few minute I'm done playing the game, our number being called and its our turn to enter the hall. 

as the people fill the seats, we we're searching the best spot to enjoy the show and we hangout at the center of the hall. At this moment, we were so excited to see the media show. More to come on the part 2 ~ stay tune

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