The Photographer

A person that lives in moderation and artistic at all moment. My grammar and spelling is complete sh*t and I don't care as long you can read it. I’m really sorry about my bad english and about my bad grammar, this is the only way I can share my experience with most of you guys. Enjoice ~


Sepang Saturday Night Fever ~ round 4 part 1

Its time to attack Sepang race circuit. This time it's saturday night fever. Track race round 4. Maybe because it was held on saturday so its a Saturday night fever.  

the race started at 5pm and I suppose to join a convoy with Satria Neo Crew at 4pm. Due to a soccer match at the gathering area and the traffic was mad. So I decided to wait for them somewhere in the middle of the way to Sepang.

seems like my friend Izmin are having fun playing around with the camera while waiting for the convoy to arrive. It was hot and that umbrella really helps. 

a shot by buddy Izmin. He said that this is his first time joining a convoy and shooting race event. Do check out his facebook for more pictures by him.

there's few machine came in while we were waiting

this red starlet just sitting there and I just cant stop my self from press the shutter buton

after almost an hour waiting, finally they're arrived. I didn't thought the convoy would be as this big

on our way to Sepang

turn left to Sepang F1 Circuit

I spotted this limited edition Satria Neo R3.

the Satria Neo Crews

as I walked to the entrance, we're being greeted by yellow Maserati. Its a rare exotics here on Malaysia streets

followed by the Honda S2000

and another Honda S2000 being lift on the truck

I guess they're click. Fellow from Singapore.

while I wonder around at the back of the pit , I found this GTR amazedly under the sun

Speed Racer! 

Civic from the N1 arrived 

the people preparing 

while some others are socialized 

one of the Satria Neo Crew are one of the participants

I spotted an RX7 with Veil Side wide body hiding

shots from Izmin shooting me shoot the cars

a very fine day for a race

this brings me back to my old memories back those days when Im playing with Kei Car

its not about the size, its all about whats in the inside

even some are having problem before the race start

as the sky are about to turn night, the adrenalin heat began to feel 

I love how the rims and the color are match with the car

Rule number 1 - don't wear sandals to a race track. Trust me, If you're running around. Don't wear sandals

even its just a test run

the heat are already up in the air

some of them push their machine to the limit 

and some of them pull back after few round of test run due to technical problems

this year participant not as much as the last year. But still its a great race to watch. More coming on part 2 - to see more of the pictures add me up in my facebook

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