The Photographer

A person that lives in moderation and artistic at all moment. My grammar and spelling is complete sh*t and I don't care as long you can read it. I’m really sorry about my bad english and about my bad grammar, this is the only way I can share my experience with most of you guys. Enjoice ~


Street - Kotarayaku Kuala Lumpur, the people.

Sometimes anywhere I go, I'll bring along my camera. And nothing stops me from taking pictures. Even if I didin't bring along my camera, I still have my iphone to photograph with. Sometimes on weekend when there's nothing to do, I take my camera and go whenever my feet walks to. Here are some pictures I've taken around Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I shot from what I see and from what I see coming from what my heart feels. 

ok thats me, vain with the reflection from the mirror. 

this man here was busy with his notes, hanging at kopitiam (coffee cafe). The lighting capture my attention.

Kuala Lumpur Light Rail Transit (LRT), this was when I'm waiting for my ride at Pasar Seni station, I didn't intend to shot this train, but what capture my attention was the kids in front looking outside. I felt that this was interesting to capture the excitement that the kids having that time. Or maybe the kids are a bit scared or... I don't konw. From the look at it, seems like they're having fun. 

this really capture my attention. The women holding flowers in the middle of the crowd. Its like she's in her own world in between the busyness. I like the feeling when I look at this picture.

this was taken at Central Market. While I was waiting for my cup of delicious corn, I saw this kid trying to play a guitar beside the guy. The kid tried really hard to follow. I think I should compose more the picture, include the guy in yellow. But its the kid that really attracts me.

A little girl who ask me to photograph her. While I was walking around inside the Central Market, suddenly my leg being pulled and I saw this girl were playing congkak on the floor excited seeing my camera. But then I tried to photograph her, she felt shy. 

tiredness or borde?

out side the shop stated "no photograph". Rules are meant to be broken, I think that women was staring at me.

ronald wanna go home too....

its raining colorful today

ahaa....yes we have it in KL too. 

to see more of the picture, add me up in my facebook

Next I'll photography the city and architecture it self. But before you go, heres a song dedicated to Kuala Lumpur City by Altimet feat Noh Hujan.

Ohh, kotarayaku,
Kisah seribu satu,
Abadi di jalananmu

Ini kotaraya yang sering berkata
Kalau berani ayuh mari cuba saya
Siapa mahu cuba, dicabar semua
Si kota terima dengan tangan terbuka
Apa hasratnya bila ditanya
Si kota hanya senyum selamba
Apa kamu mahu semuanya bisa
Jemput ke rumahku sila sila
Di dalam hatinya banyak rahsia
Banyak kisah benar ramai saksinya
Ada yang gagal ada yang berjaya
Ada bersahaja ada capai kerjaya
Ada rezeki yang melimpah ruah
Hingga kurang nasi terlebih kuah,
Ada yang sial ada yang bertuah
Cerita sama hanya watak berubah
Di Kuala Lumpur
Ohh Kuala Lumpur
Kau yang tak pernah tidur
Menjaga mimpi yang luntur
Ohh, kotarayaku,
Kisah seribu satu,
Abadi di jalananmu
Ini kotaraya talam dua muka
Katanya madu kau disuap cuka
Selepas dibelai hatimu di luka
Dipijak kepala lepas di beri muka
Kau kan ditelan lantas diludah
Pesta sementara sesal tak sudah
Lampu berkelipan bikin hati buta
Hidup serba laju trafik kura kura
Bukan main main tapi tetap selamba
Suasana berubah bila malam melanda
Lihat anak muda yang tak punya
Tujuan berlumba guna kuasa kuda
Jangan salah laku cuba lawan syahdu
Senyala lilin mengejar wap *****
Ramai yang gagal bila di duga
Tapi masih ramai yang berani cuba
Di Kuala Lumpur
Ohh Kuala Lumpur
Kau yang tak pernah tidur
Menjaga mimpi yang luntur
Ohh, kotarayaku, ( kotarayaku )
Kisah seribu satu,
Abadi di jalananmu
Aku rehat sebentar, di kaki lima
Yang jadi riba, melayan minda
Aku sedar kota, sekadar latar
Untuk opera hidup yang bermain di layar lara
Ohh Kuala Lumpur
Kau yang tak pernah tidur
Menjaga mimpi yang luntur
Ohh, kotarayaku, ( kotarayaku )
Kisah seribu satu,
Abadi di jalananmu

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