The Photographer

A person that lives in moderation and artistic at all moment. My grammar and spelling is complete sh*t and I don't care as long you can read it. I’m really sorry about my bad english and about my bad grammar, this is the only way I can share my experience with most of you guys. Enjoice ~


Random snaps > stash

One thing about me is that sometimes I consider my self a gadget freak (instead naming my self an electronic geek, gadget freak would sound a bit appropriate) especially when it comes to a handphone. Yes I do take it seriously. Why? because that is the closes thing to me that always in my pocket whenever I go, even if it's in the toilet doing some business. A very serious business. I used to change phones all the time, I tried so many phones and none of it stays with me for a year. Theres this one model from Sony, I got it a day after the release of the model and I bought it. The next day, I sold it. Yup thats me. Then this one phone, that really buy my thoughts. Its the iPhone (okay im not doing some free expose or advertising about this) the only phone that hold me up for more than a year, and I love it. Especially the aps and the camera. With an Iphone, I have now diciplined my self to photograph whatever I see whenever I am and what ever it is. Especially things that touches me visually.

I bought this for my cats actually. To play with the,, but end up they're bullying this thing.

uh, thats...Im in my car waiting for my dad...kinda bored that time. Just need to snap something

yes, thats my feet...a very hairy feet. And my fav Ricola sweet beside my hairy feet.

this was taken during Im on my way to Dengkil for a wedding photograph session with mu uncle. Yup my uncle he's a photographer too.

just simply having fun out from the window while my uncle drive through in the tunnel.

I got this back when high school when I was form 3 that was uh...1998? I think.

a place in Dengkil where I used to hangout with friends for a hot drink and chit chats.

Nikon: my uncle's, Canon: mine. We had some issue about the camera brands actually. huhu

yes, we have that in Malaysia too~ this was at Bukit Jalil Park.

My teacher Kamarul Akhir with his small Canon 5d Mark2 beside my green tea pot.

stacks of Canon's. Not forgotten the small 5d Mark2

yes, thats...err my feet. Again.

having fun out of the window in the tunnel...again

oh, thats my uncle taking picture for someone with someone's camera.

My first car ~ little 1.0 pinky K-car. Previously a drag car turning to a legal street car after being paint pink.

I was bored at this time and the red light feels quite a bit long than usual, so I saw this beside me and shot it.

one of my favorite book. A must read and a very powerful book indeed.

my favorite game during weekend with no nothing to do~ Test Drive Unlimited 2

I dont know why I photograph this

thats ~ my cousin camera's. Except the Canon 7d. Thats mine.

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