The Photographer

A person that lives in moderation and artistic at all moment. My grammar and spelling is complete sh*t and I don't care as long you can read it. I’m really sorry about my bad english and about my bad grammar, this is the only way I can share my experience with most of you guys. Enjoice ~



Currently, I've been doing some designing work for a government company. The funny thing is that, no matter how hard or how you give the best of you for them to come out a design. There will always be something that is not satisfy them. Fine they are the client, but aren't they hiring us designer to work on something that they cant do and to give us the believe that we can sort this problem out for them. But the problem is that most of them didn't want to listen. Not even asking. All they want to do is for you to follow what ever they want and ask you to do. Its like you're trying to make a very good apple pie and all of sudden they came in ask you to throw everything in the pie without looking at the exact ingredient. They want you to put cheese, onion, meatball, chicken, turkey, salad, veggie, this and that in that apple pie. How does it taste? they don't care. The problem on us is that those rotten pie effected our integrity, effected our knowledge and our professionalism in our field. Imagine if those pie goes to the market. The public wont ask where those pie came from, they will ask who made that pie? What happen next? They gonna have in mind the person who made the pie are so bad. Those impression goes to the maker. I rather not to put my name or my company as a credit on those kind of job. Let it be.

Yes dear client, we understand your needs and we understand what you want. But What for hiring us if you dont want to listen to us and wont let us consulting you? Might as well I give you a window pc and microsoft word do it your self. You pay a lot and it is not cheap. So let us give the best as what u deserve with that such payment.



Sooooo gooodddd to come back

Its been soooooooo long since the last post on this blog. What happen??? I'm not sure what actually happen, but I received a report saying that I try to cancel my account and deleting everything. At that point I'm very sure that my blog being hacked. Why??? Why my blog???

Thanks to Google for alerting me and assist me to recover everything that still left in this blog. I thought I lost everything. Now its all good as how it was before, just that there is no more ""., the account has been cancel and the domain being stopped. Im starting back with a new domain that is

Thank you again Google for the assist.

Will be update with more post soon. Keep in touch and keep on sending me mail for new post. (Those mail motivate me to get and give more. Thanks guys)

Me shooting on an event - thanks Flowie for shooting me shooting.
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