The Photographer

A person that lives in moderation and artistic at all moment. My grammar and spelling is complete sh*t and I don't care as long you can read it. I’m really sorry about my bad english and about my bad grammar, this is the only way I can share my experience with most of you guys. Enjoice ~


Go back through time

It is being so long since the last time I posted an entry in this blog. No internet connection at home, massive work load and I'm started my postgraduate studies recently. So theres limited time for me to do other things beside job and assignments. Been trying to squeeze my time to get extra space for things I love to do. So, posting a new entry for this blog is something that I really missed and I need to get back on track.

Lately I've been rolling my self looking for some oldskol cars for my personal project. This has been running in my mind for so long and I've been looking for a car that suitable with me and something that is really classic but yet not so far away. I spend time surveying and visiting few places searching for any reck, abandon or anyone wanted to sell it away. I've been though from a BMW e30, Celica ta22 to ta 23, a Levin, Starlet, Datsun and so on as the list goes on. As I was almost end up with a BMW e30, I attracted to this little abandon old car. This car aged same as me ( I'm 27 fyi ) and it suits me as I don't really like big cars and four doors.  Its a Honda... yup, a 2nd generation of Honda Civic. A hatchback.

I'm not really a Honda fan thou. But somehow after do some research about this fella and surveying it. I found my self loving it. I decided then to pick it up and take it on as a project. So far as I discovered it's definitely a project car to be...

From the look at it, theres not much left to do on the body work. Only a few part need to be repair and a major paint job needed. Im still thinking what color to splash on it

this need to be fix

I will update on the progress to share with. I think I'll start to work on the external first before going into deep. Do give me any suggestion and your opinion on this fella.

here is a picture of how its originally looked like.

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