The Photographer

A person that lives in moderation and artistic at all moment. My grammar and spelling is complete sh*t and I don't care as long you can read it. I’m really sorry about my bad english and about my bad grammar, this is the only way I can share my experience with most of you guys. Enjoice ~


Malaysia Sepang Super GT 2011 - Starting Grid

This year of Malaysia Super GT 2011 is quite to say this, not as happening as how it was from the previous years before this. Maybe everyone still low down and respecting the earth quake tragedy in Japan. How ever, the spirit never fade away.

the line up of the GT queen taking place for their team

the first car to approach on the grid

as the team mates and the crowd gather at the entrance waiting for the cue to enter the grid

holding the sign is a very serious task indeed

more cars coming in and ready at their grid

the Lexus Team WedsSport Bandoh at the 19th grid checking up on the tyre 

the banners and the flags, thats how they support their team with full of spitrits

team JIMGAINER with their ferrari 458 GTC ~ this is one of my favorite 

being a GT queen is important as being the driver for the team

everyone gather around to see the final setup and check ups 

not forgotten the media's too, all the way from Japan 

the track instantly flooded with crowds and medias to see up close 

the safety car getting ready while waiting 

team Keihin Real Racing preparing 

so does the team Kunimitsu

Joao Paulo Loma from Brazil represent team Impul 

Autobacs Racing Team Aguri drive stepping in 

Joao Paulo Loma getting all ready

the tracks are clear as the spectators and media give way for the teams to setting up for final preparation

one last shoots before it all begins

the team mates leaving their cars with their trustful drivers 

patiently they wait before it al started, at this moment I can feel my heart pumping fast waiting for the race to start

just a few minute before it started the engine start to roars and the sound of adrenalin splash on the audience. Thats all for the starting ~ will be update soon on the race track where all the action and drama happen. Stay tuned for more 

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